A Timey-Wimey Start to Advent


3 min read

Advent of Cyber 2

As of today (yesterday? Being in Japan makes timing weird sometimes...), the second edition of TryHackMe's Advent of Cyber event has begun! I won't go into details of the day's module because spoilers, but I do want to share my thoughts on the experience, especially as someone who is just starting out learning cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

I went in thinking that I would be stuck staring at the machine and clicking aimlessly until I gave in and watched/followed along the solution video. I know, defeatist attitude, not the healthiest start. But I had never done anything like this before. I had no idea what to expect, so naturally I expected the worst.

I'm happy to report that I ended up finishing today's module in ten minutes. Ten! And you know, had I been completely fresh to the world of IT, yeah, it might have taken much longer. But what was being asked in today's module, I was able to rely on knowledge gained from when I was studying Python using the Python Crash Course book by Eric Matthes. The rest I could either intuit or google. I already had "If you don't know, google" in my head before, but doing active challenges is really driving home the fact that having strong google-fu is practically a necessity in this field. It's not shameful or a mark of weakness to not know something and have to look it up. If anything, knowing how to look things up quickly and efficiently is a strength that will serve you well going forward.

Well, that's all I've got for now. Look for more musings from me on cybersecurity and ethical hacking to come. Until then!